Design Help- Outside Crochet

Not all designing involves crochet, at least not in my world. Since November 2016 I have been a 4H sewing project leader, this entails me arranging meeting times and helping guide the participants in completing project. Fortunately 4H encourages leadership from the kids, so it does not involve much instruction from me, as I am not much of a seamstress and sewing is not my favorite pastime. After all I crochet, and even work join-as-you-go motifs so I do not have to sew.

However in the course of these last several months the participants under took a community service project. So in addition to creating their shirts, and skirts, dresses and jackets, they also created a project to help Veterans. They arranged to teach the basic use of the sewing machine to other 4Hers at a large community event, then I aided then in creating a quilt square pattern that involved simple strips of fabric. They then sought donations of fabric and cut it into long strips to have their “students” sew these long strips together.

Quilt top created by my 4H sewing project

After a full day of instruction they had all the strips sewn together, then it was time to create the squares. I will admit I did help put some squares together, after all I did want to at least see my dining room table. The squares are completed and put together, now this quilt top is being donated to Quilts of Honor to be finished as a quilt and given to a Veteran.

Yes, I am proud of what they have accomplished, and their dedication and generosity is inspiring. It has been a really interesting undertaking for myself, watching the kids grow and understand themselves and what they like. Some of the kids actually created their own patterns and designs, other modified their patterns to create what they like. There are designers everywhere, at least in the sense that we are all creators.

The Lesson I am Not Going to Miss

ScannedImageI began teaching myself the basics of knitting this last summer, but I will admit I have not kept it up. Now I have a knitting lesson that I am definitely going to keep.

My kids joined our local 4H club a few weeks ago, and my daughter decided to take a Fibers Art project. She had her first meeting last night and had the choice to learn knitting or crochet. She had some indecision about it, but in the end picked up some knitting needles and was taught how to knit in the Continental method.logo

I asked her on the way home about her hesitance when asked which she wanted to learn. She expressed to me that she was thinking about “learning to crochet so that she could work some of my patterns and do projects with me, but then if she learned to knit she could teach me”. Needless to say I smiled either one she decided to learn it was ultimately about what was most important, spending time with someone she loves.


My knitting attempts this last summer

Getting ready for school today, she asked to take her knitting with her so she could practice at recess. Then while dropping her off she informed me that after school today I was going to have my first lesson. So, I am getting ready, a couple of more hours and I’ll be having my first knitting lesson. (Even if the really lesson is a reminder of what is really important).