Sometimes the things that hold you up are the simple ones, like seaming crochet projects. It is a process that has a different focus than what you have been doing and it can seam daunting to change the thought process. However once you finally get on to doing it, it doesn’t take all that long. Sometimes I want a seam that doesn’t stand as tall in the overall project and have found this technique makes a flatter join.
Different Joins
There are a few different ways to work seaming crochet, one can insert a hook through both fabrics and work a simple crochet or a slip stitch. Creating a slight ridge and a firm joining.
One can work the fabric as a “join as you go”. Saving a bit of yarn and creating a rope like appearance where the seam comes together. (I share my technique here)
Getting more creative
Then you can get a bit more creative and instead of working the fabric together in the same stitch work alternating stitches in each fabric. This “zig zag” effect can be made lacy by adding chains between stitches, and in general creates a wider seam that lays flatter.
It is relatively simple, and my example is highlighting a simple single crochet stitch.
Place the fabrics wrong sides’ together, work a single crochet on the fabric edge closest to you. Now work a single crochet in the fabric furthest from you, minding that you work it right next to the stitch just created (not behind it). Next work a single crochet in the fabric closest to you next to the stitch created (not in front of it).

Essentially on each piece of fabric it will be like working a stitch and then skipping a stitch, but the skipped stitch is worked in the other fabric.

Give this little back and forth seaming a try, you might just find that it keeps you mind engaged and ends up giving you a result that quite charming. All you have to do is change your focus.